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R4 Rascal Scooters
The R4 line of scooter were manufactured under the Rascal and Chauffeur brand names. They were divided into 3 types: Economy, Deluxe, and Heavy Duty.
The Economy series were one-piece frame scooters that did not separate the rear from the front section. The mechanical and electronic components on these scooters were similar to the Deluxe and Heavy Duty series. They included models 130, 200, 205, 210, and 215.
The Deluxe series were take-apart scooters that could be separated into three components: front, rear, and drivetrain sections. All scooters in this series came with a standard adjustable seat post or an optional electric seat lift. All scooters have a rear bumper designed to protect the vehicle from low impacts during daily activities. They came with 9 inch wheels, either as standard air-filled or optional foam-filled tires. They included models 230,235, 240, 245, 250, 255, 250JS, 255JS, 300, 305, 310, 315. Note that the 300 level model numbers were considered "Quantum" and were all 4 wheelers. Models 310 & 315 featured 12" wheels and a higher max speed of 7.5 inch.
The Heavy Duty series were the same as the Deluxe series but had a 10" air filled wheel with puncture sealant. Foam filled tires were also available. The drivetrain was upgraded to a 6 tooth pinion hill-climber which gave more torque for carrying a heavy load and better ability to negotiate inclines.
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